A balanced diet ideally contains no or minimal sugar. Natural sugars such as fructose are more preferred over refined forms of sugar. Sugar is known to cause health conditions such as obesity and diabetes.
It is necessary to monitor your sugar intake whether you have or do not have diabetes. People having diabetes should avoid including any form of sugar in their diet.
Does that mean a diabetes patient cannot enjoy fruits as fruits contain natural sugars called fructose? Not necessarily because some fruits have a low glycemic index and can prove to be a valuable addition to a diabetes diet.
Plum For Diabetes
Since many fruits are off-radar for people with diabetes, you may wonder can diabetics eat plums or are plums good for diabetes.
The answer is affirmative.
A person having diabetes can include plums in their diet. Plums are rich in nutrients, antioxidants, vitamins, fiber, and minerals. The calorie content of plum is also low.
Plums assist in controlling blood sugar because of their glycemic index of 40. Eating plums does not elevate your blood sugar levels.
People with diabetes can eat plums either fresh or can eat them dried. These dried plums are called prunes. Prunes are proven to help people with health conditions like constipation and osteoporosis.
7 Benefits Of Plum For Diabetics
Plums offer several benefits for people with and without diabetes. Some of the plum benefits for diabetes are below-
1- High Nutrient Content:
Plums, as well as prunes, have a high nutrient content. They both contain over 15 different vitamins and minerals; they also contain a high amount of antioxidants and fibers.
Although they are the same fruit in different forms, fresh plums and prunes have varying nutrient content.
Fresh plums are low in calories than prunes and contain fewer fibers and carbs. Compared to plums, prunes contain more vitamin B and K.
2-Promote Heart Health:
The two main reasons for cardiovascular problems can be rightfully named- one being cholesterol and the second one being high blood pressure. Consuming plums and prunes regularly lower LDL cholesterol and blood pressure levels.

Plums have a positive impact on heart health. It is because of their high fiber, antioxidants, and potassium content.
Studies carried out on animals have also shown that regular intake of dried plum powder and plum juice lowers cholesterol and promotes HDL cholesterol in the body.
Eating prunes can help control hypertension and slow down the onset of arteriosclerosis.
3- Relief From Constipation:
Plums and prunes can provide relief from constipation.
Plums and prunes are rich in fibers. The fiber present in prunes is insoluble and adds bulk to the stool, thus improving the digestion process. Eating plums and prune regularly is known to improve stool consistency.
Prunes contain sorbitol which itself is a natural laxative. However, eating a lot of plums or prunes can also lead to diarrhea. Moderating their intake is the key to constipation relief.
4- Promotes Bone Health:
Dried plums or prunes help in promoting bone health.
Prunes are known to prevent and reverse bone loss. If untreated, bone loss may lead to health conditions like osteoporosis. Prunes can also increase bone mass density.
Vitamin K is needed in the body to maintain and improve calcium balance. Plums and prunes are rich sources of vitamin K among other nutrients.
Eating prunes also increases the level of hormones that aid in bone formation.
5- Controlling Blood Sugar:
As mentioned earlier, plums and prunes are rich in fibers. Eating fiber-rich foods causes a minimal spike in blood sugar levels.
The hormone called adiponectin regulates the presence of blood sugar in the body. Regular intake of plums and prunes increases the level of adiponectin in the body, thereby ensuring better blood sugar regulation.
6- Assist In Cancer Prevention:
The chlorogenic and neo-chlorogenic acids are present in large numbers in plums. Some studies have proven these two acids can destroy breast cancer cells.
These chlorogenic and neo-chlorogenic acids destroy only the harmful cancer cells; the healthy cells remain unharmed.
Plums and prunes can therefore assist in cancer prevention and control.
7- Acts As An Immunity Booster:
According to ongoing research, plums and prunes have immunity-boosting properties. Adding plum to the diet can provide immunity from parasitic diseases.
Are Plums High In Sugar?
No, plums are low-sugar fruits. Plums contain fructose, but this fructose does not interfere with blood sugar levels.
Talking numbers, plums have about 7 grams of sugar in each fruit.
Can Diabetics Eat Black Plums?
Black plums have a low glycemic index. Also, they are beneficial for the liver and intestines.
Also known as blackberry, black plum can be a magic food for people with diabetes. One of the medicinal properties of blackberry is converting starch present in food into energy.
How Many Plums Can A Diabetic Eat?
Plum and prune have properties to correct constipation. Eating them does not cause a huge blood sugar spike too.
However, moderation is the best practice when eating plums and prunes.
One can eat either two plums or three prunes. Both add up to about 15 grams of carbohydrates.
Is Plum Bad For Diabetes?
Food items with a low glycemic index are generally considered safe for diabetics. Low glycemic foods also help in controlling sugar levels.
Plum is a low glycemic fruit with a glycemic index of 40 and is in no way harmful or unsuitable for diabetes patients.
Are Prunes Good For Diabetics?
Plums and prunes are alike in many ways. Both are highly nutritious and cause no change in blood sugar levels.
Also, prunes are rich in fibers. If you eat prunes regularly, you will notice improvements in your digestion process, and sorbitol present in prunes acts as a natural laxative.
Prunes may contain more calories than fresh plums, but their fiber content is also more. They even have more vitamin B and K.
Plums are a valuable addition to the diet specified for people living with diabetes.
Plums are a rich source of nutrients, antioxidants, vitamins, fiber, and minerals. You can eat plums fresh or dried. The dried variety is also known as prunes.
Plums are low glycemic with a glycemic index of 40.
Eating plums and prunes provides numerous health benefits such as promoting heart health, reducing constipation, improving bone health, and so on.