Here’s the answer to your questions related to butternut squash and diabetes.
With its tan-yellow skin and orange fleshy pulp, butternut squash is a type of winter squash enriched with many health benefits. Butternut squash comes in the Cucurbitaceae family and is similar to pumpkin.
Its taste can be described as somewhat sweet and nutty. Butternut squash is shaped like an elongated pear and has got hard skin and flesh.
It can also be consumed cooked or raw.
Is butternut squash good for diabetics? Have you ever thought about the immense nutritional benefits of butternut squash? Butternut squash is loaded with various nutrients and vitamins which are essential for your body.
Glycemic Index of Butternut Squash
In simple terms, the glycemic index measures how quickly a food causes your blood sugar levels to rise. It ranks food on a scale of 0 to 100. Foods with a high glycemic index are quickly digested and absorbed, which results in the rapid rise of blood sugar levels.
Food items are classified into low (55 or less), medium (56-69), and high (70 and above) glycemic food. A Glycemic index of number 55 or less is good and has less impact on your blood sugar.
The glycemic index of butternut squash is 51. Its carbs are digested slowly. Also, it contains a type of fiber that is not digestible.
Butternut squash for diabetics is an excellent choice as 80 grams or 1/3 cup of boiled, mashed butternut squash has a glycemic load of 3. So, if you have diabetes, butternut squash can help in keeping your blood sugar from rising.
Health Benefits of Butternut Squash
Butternut squash is loaded with many nutrients that are essential for your body. Here are some facts that give you an idea about the excellent features of butternut squash.
The specific highlight is about the benefits of butternut squash for diabetics, as our primary concern is the question ‘is butternut squash good for diabetics?’
1. Excellent Source Of Fiber
Fiber is important for digestion and also keeps weight in balance. Around 2.8 grams of dietary fiber is present in one serving of butternut squash.
The fiber present in butternut squash can lower the risk of cancer. Studies show that butternut squash reduces the risk of colorectal cancer.
2. Maintains Blood Sugar Levels
The fiber present in butternut squash is not digestible, and it won’t result in the rise of blood sugar levels. The glycemic index of butternut squash is 51.
For people with type 1 diabetes, consuming high- fiber diet can lower overall blood sugar levels. If people with type 2 diabetes consume fiber-rich food, it will improve blood sugar, lipids, and insulin levels.
3. Reduces The Risk Of Health Problems
Butternut squash contains beta-carotene, which helps in the natural functioning of your immune system. The anti-oxidants present in butternut squash can also reduce the risk of cancer.
The fiber present in butternut squash helps in limiting weight gain. It is also very helpful in lowering cholesterol and reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes.
4. Helps With Your Blood Pressure
A high amount of potassium is present in butternut squash. Potassium keeps the blood pressure in control.
One serving of butternut squash contains around 18 percentage of your daily potassium requirement. The chances for stroke and heart disease could be lowered if you maintain the blood sugar levels.
5. Rich Source Of Vitamins
Butternut squash is enriched with Vitamin A, and Vitamin C. Vitamin A is essential for your eye health and helps prevent infections. Vitamin C is critical for your skin and hair health.
Over 50 percent of the Vitamin C intake for a day is present in one serving of butternut squash.
Butternut squash is also a rich source of beta-carotene and alpha-carotene. Your body converts beta-carotene to Vitamin A, which is important for vision, bone health, and immune function.
6. Abundant Amount Of Minerals And Nutrients
Butternut squash has a high amount of potassium, magnesium, calcium, and manganese. These play a significant role in your bone health. Also, these are important for your immune system.
Minerals like zinc, iron, copper, and phosphorus are also present in butternut squash. The butternut squash seeds are also rich in proteins, vitamins, and minerals.

Butternut Squash in Your Diet
You can eat butternut squash, either raw or cooked. The skin and seeds are removed before consumption. Butternut squash has a thick exterior and can be stored for several months.
Butternut squash soup and diabetes are good combinations that you might be familiar with. It is effortless to prepare soup using butternut squash.
Ingredients like olive oil, butter, garlic, shallot, and nutmeg, along with butternut squash, can be used to prepare your butternut squash soup. Butternut squash is also added to chicken-based dishes.
There are also many other exciting recipes with butternut squash.
When you think, ‘is butternut squash good for diabetics?’
Why Is Butternut Squash Bad For Diabetics?
Even though butternut squash has many good qualities, it is high in sugar and carbohydrates. About 11 grams of carbohydrate and calories of 41 are present in half a cup of cooked butternut squash.
If you are following a low-carb diet or trying to limit carbs for blood sugar control, then intake of an excessive amount of butternut squash is not good for your health.
Is Butternut Squash Okay For Type 2 Diabetes?
For people with type 2 diabetes, the body either produces enough insulin or resists insulin. They need additional fiber to improve blood sugar, lipids, and insulin levels. One cup of butternut squash will provide about 6.6 grams of fiber.
If you have type 2 diabetics, consuming butternut squash will improve blood sugar, lipids, and insulin levels.
Does Butternut Squash Have A Lot Of Sugar?
Butternut squash contains complex carbohydrates. These are called starches. Complex carbohydrates are usually made of a long string of sugar molecules.
The amount of sugar present in one cup of cooked butternut squash is 4 grams. Also, 21.5 grams of carbohydrates are present in it.
Does Butternut Squash Raise Blood Sugar?
Butternut squash has got a low glycemic index of 51. Its carbs are digested more slowly. This will help in keeping the blood sugar levels from rising.
However, cooking and processing can change the glycemic index of the food item. When the food is more cooked, the glycemic index will be higher.
Butternut squash, which is a winter squash, has many health benefits. Also, there are factors to be taken care of before consuming it.
Each food item may not be suitable for everyone. Therefore you must understand the requirements of your body and consume food.
There is a good amount of potassium in butternut squash. People with kidney problems should not consume an excessive amount of potassium.
If you are taking medications like beta-blockers for heart problems, then you should be careful while eating potassium-rich food. Beta-blockers can cause potassium levels in the blood to increase.
It is said that health is wealth. Eating a balanced diet based on your nutritional requirements and health conditions is very much essential. The consumption of an optimum amount of food is necessary to maintain good health.