The largest part of the blood is plasma. It carries salts, water and takes nutrients, proteins, and needed contraceptives to the body’s most needed part.
Plasma donation is a way of helping out others who are in dire need of it. People need a transfusion for several reasons, as there are many types of medical conditions. Diabetes patients can always give out blood, but there are essentials to be met before they can do so.
Diabetes patients must ensure their blood glucose is under control regularly and also eat a balanced diet. You must seek your doctor’s advice before you donate blood. Your doctors know more about how eligible you are to do so.
Also, when you see that the level of your blood sugar is still intact according to your doctor’s diagnoses and your health is good shape, you can still be able to donate blood, but if you are still struggling to regulate your blood glucose level, it is not advisable to donate blood at that time.
It would be better to refer your physician before you donate plasma.
Can Type 1 Diabetics Donate Plasma
Type 1 diabetics patients report a high rise of blood glucose level about 3 to 6 days after donating blood. The loss of blood and dehydration could cause this.
People with type 1 diabetes can donate plasma but must ensure proper monitoring of blood sugar levels and eat nourishing food to keep the body healthy. You should also consume more iron and drink more water.
You can give as much blood or plasma as you can every 55-56 days, make sure you keep your diabetes under good control.
Can Type 2 Diabetics Donate Plasma?
Being a diabetes patient doesn’t put you at any risk of donating to a type one diabetic or a person with type two diabetes. You can give out blood as far as your diabetes condition is properly regulated and managed.

However, any person on insulin will not be allowed to donate blood, excluding both types of diabetes patients who depend on insulin. People who depend on insulin are usually not allowed to donate blood, be it an insulin pump or insulin injections.
Diabetes is not a barrier in donating blood as far as you are healthy, and your diabetes is properly managed.
Diabetes patients are often screened thoroughly before they are allowed to donate, and you are asked about the medications you are taking currently to control your diabetes.
This won’t prevent you from giving out blood. However, there are few requirements to meet before you are allowed to donate, whether you are a diabetes patient or not. They are;
- Be between 16years to 80years of age (this varies sometimes depending on country and states)
- Your weight should be at least 110 pounds
- You should be in good health before and on that day
If you want to donate plasma, here are some tips to follow to have a successful donation;
- Ensure you drink much water before you go for blood donation
- Have a good night rest for at least 8 hours or more before your donation
- Eat foods that have iron about two weeks before the donation
- Go to the donation center along with your current medications
- Maintain balanced diet meals before and after donation to maintain a proper level of blood glucose.
What Happens After Plasma Donation?
When a diabetic makes a plasma donation, they can notice their blood sugar levels jumping up and down for a while. After some time, the blood sugar levels become as usual and sets there.
People with diabetes can also feel light-headed after making a plasma donation.
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