Diabetes may affect dogs when they are old. Please learn about this disease and what you should do so that you may prevent it or what you may do so that you can support the dog while suffering from it.
When it comes to dog diabetes, it is primarily the result of hormonal disorder. It occurs if the pancreas is not making the right amount of insulin and the body refuses to respond well to the available insulin.
Insulin is needed since it helps absorb the sugar or glucose within the bloodstream and will be carried to other body parts.
When it comes to type one diabetes, the insulin is being reduced to a low level, while for type two diabetes, the sugar does not enter into organs from the bloodstream. This leads to a high sugar level in the blood, also known as hyperglycemia.
What Causes Dogs To Get Diabetes?
The dogs may suffer from type one diabetes if the insulin is not enough in the system. This is when the cells that create the insulin in the pancreas may be damaged for different reasons. Even if it may not be common, some dogs may also suffer from type two diabetes.
However, diabetes that affects dogs is different from diabetes that affects humans. In some cases, young dogs may suffer from diabetes, but the common ages where the dogs suffer from diabetes are between 7 up to 10 years.
Sometime female dogs may develop diabetes while pregnant.
Even if the natural causes of diabetes may not be known, some breeds are pre-exposed to diabetes more than others.
Such dogs are miniature dogs like Yorkshire terriers, pugs, and Toy Poodles.

Overweight dogs may be at risk of suffering type two diabetes.
Signs Of Diabetes in Dogs
Symptoms of diabetes are sudden weight loss, excessive hunger, thirst, and increased urination. Diabetes may also lead to collapse, vomiting, bladder infections, and weakness.
How To Prevent Diabetes In Dogs
Even if there is no sure way of reducing diabetes in dogs, you may try your best to minimize the risks.
Overweight dogs are at risk of developing type two diabetes. This is why it is advised to feed the dog a balanced and healthy diet, including cutting back on the treats. Ensure that the dog has enough space and can easily exercise, including walks and playtime, to be healthy and active.
When you have unneutered female dogs, you will also be increasing their chance of suffering from diabetes because their hormones are not stable. Whenever it is possible, make sure that the female dogs are spayed.
Ensure that you take your dogs for a regular checkups and lookout for early signs of diabetes.
You also have to make sure that the dog is the right size and the right weight. When the dog gets older, you can test its urine and blood to spot diabetes whenever it begins.