Chances Of Gestational Diabetes In Second Pregnancy

Gestational Diabetes In Pregnancy

Gestational diabetes is defined as diabetes discovered for the first time while a woman is pregnant. Gestational diabetes is shown by elevated blood sugar levels that can impact your pregnancy and your kid’s health.

There is some positive news, although any pregnancy problem is alarming. Consuming nutritious foods, engaging in physical activity, and, if required, taking medication can all help with the chances of gestational diabetes in the second pregnancy.

Keeping your blood sugar under control might help you and your baby stay healthy and avoid a painful birth.

Chances Of Gestational Diabetes In Second Pregnancy

If you had gestational diabetes during your first pregnancy, there is a higher risk of acquiring the condition again during your second. Once you become pregnant again, you must exercise extreme caution regarding what you consume.

Mothers who have experienced gestational diabetes in one pregnancy are twice as likely as other mothers to have the condition in subsequent pregnancies. The best aspect is that there are various things you may take to lower your chances of contracting it this time.

chances of gestational diabetes in second pregnancy

How To Evade Gestational Diabetes In Second Pregnancy

There are no guarantees for preventing gestational diabetes, but the more good habits you can establish before becoming pregnant, the better. After experiencing gestational diabetes, making healthy choices may lower your chance of having it again in future pregnancies and your risk of acquiring type 2 diabetes later in life.

  • Check Your Weight – The fact that you are gaining weight throughout pregnancy is normal and healthy. However, gaining too much weight too rapidly will increase your chances of developing gestational diabetes. Inquire with your doctor about what constitutes a reasonable level of weight gain for you.
  • Be Active – Maintaining a healthful weight before and during pregnancy can help reduce your risk of developing gestational diabetes. Every day of the week, try to get in at least 30 minutes of moderate activity. Take a vigorous stroll every day. Take a ride on your bicycle. Swim laps around the pool. Taking tiny breaks from the action, such as parking further away from the store when doing errands or taking a brief walk break, can build up to a significant amount of activity.
  • Eat Healthily – High in fiber and low in fat foods and calories are the best choices. Fruits, vegetables, and whole grains should get prioritized. Make an effort to increase your diversity to attain your goals without sacrificing flavor or nutrients. Keep an eye on portion sizes.
  • Visit The Doctor – Many gestational issues can be avoided or spotted early by visiting the doctor. Scheduled visits to the doctor will keep you know about your health and the baby’s health. It is critical to receive early and consistent care for yourself and your developing baby. Regular visits to the doctor will help you manage any complications and will help you keep gestational diabetes in your second pregnancy at bay.

Concluding Thoughts

According to current estimates, if a woman develops gestational diabetes during her first pregnancy, she will likely develop the condition during her second pregnancy. The risk increases with each successive pregnancy.

Most women see a reduction in their gestational diabetes following the birth of their child. It is critical to get a follow-up glucose tolerance test 6 to 12 months after your child’s birth or before attempting a second pregnancy, unless your doctor advises differently, to ensure that you do not develop diabetes.