Mangosteen And Diabetes | 10 Benefits Of Mangosteen For Diabetes

Mangosteen is a tropical fruit native to Southeast Asian countries, but it is available in most supermarkets today. 

Mangosteen has many health benefits, and it is perfect for people with diabetes cause it helps regulate blood sugar. 

This fruit is small in size, and it comes in purple color. It was used a lot in traditional medicines for centuries. Under the purple skin of Mangosteen is a sweet and sour, tangy, and juicy white flesh.

There have been fewer studies of the benefits of Mangosteen, but it is known to be a good source of fiber and vitamins C and A. It also comes packed with a range of minerals such as magnesium and calcium.

In the traditional usage of Mangosteen in Thailand, it has been used to treat a lot of different types of ailments such as urinary tract and skin infections and dysentery as well as diarrhea. There need to be more clinical studies to understand these claims.

Traditional diets usually have these whole foods, which contain a lot of healthy nutrients. If they are not mixed with a western diet of processed food, they are pretty effective in keeping chronic illnesses such as diabetes by the bay.

Mangosteen is usually eaten raw, and people have been a fan of this purple fruit for its fantastic taste and bites full of healthy nutrition, especially for people with an illness such as diabetes.

The peel of Mangosteen also provides antioxidants, so we can say this is a power-packed healthy fruit

Let’s Understand The Various Health Benefits Of Mangosteen

  • Mangosteen Is A Rich source of Vitamin C

Mangosteen contains a nice load for your vitamin C, which helps in digestion and improving metabolism. People with diabetes need to have reasonable control over their bowel movements. This fruit would be an excellent addition to diabetics and other people who want to improve their health.

  • Mangosteen May Prevent Cancer
Can diabetics eat mangosteen

Mangosteen stops the growth of harmful cells in the body. The antioxidants in this fruit help fight against free radicals. The chemical compounds in this fruit are potent antioxidants that help have a unique mechanism to protect D.N.A. from damage and further mutation.

They are the chemical compounds that Mangosteen contains

  1. Quinones
  2. Stilbenes
  3. Polyphenols
  4. Polysaccharides
  5. Xanthones
  6. Catechins
  • Mangosteen Helps In Reducing Cholesterol

This fruit is quite effective in reducing cholesterol, so anyone who wants to reduce their cholesterol should include this fruit in their diet.

Triglyceride level and LDL cholesterol, and total body cholesterol can be reduced by consumption of Mangosteen.

Mangosteen contains a rich antioxidant known as gamma mangostin. This helps in the prevention of the oxidation of bad cholesterol.

Mangosteen also has Polyphenols which help in reducing total body cholesterol. 

  • Mangosteen May Reduce Diabetes

The antioxidants present in mangosteen help in controlling the metabolism of glucose in the blood. Insulin is produced quite effectively by the pancreas as the antioxidants help in reducing insulin resistance.

  • Mangosteen May Boost Mood

Mangosteen contains a lot of anti-depressant properties, and it is said to reduce stress levels effectively. Diabetics have many mood issues at times the cause of blood sugar spikes, so including this fruit would be an excellent choice to improve your mental health and stay happy.

  • Mangosteen May Have Anti-Biotic Properties

Mangosteen contains many healthy nutrients known to be anti-biotic and can help fight infections such as pneumonia, meningitis, tuberculosis, and respiratory problems. 

  • Mangosteen May Help In Weight Loss

Among all the other benefits of this tangy purple fruit, weight loss is one of them. So if you have tried various diets for weight loss and failed, you should test your chances with Mangosteen. 

People with diabetes should be in good shape, and getting obese can increase complications, so they should always eat healthily and work out and try to stay as fit as possible.

  • Mangosteen May Help In Improving Vision

Mangosteen helps in preventing glaucoma. This helps in keeping your eyesight healthy and prevents it from getting damaged. 

Diabetics have to focus on their eyesight health as, with time, it can harm your sharp eyesight. This can also lead to partial blindness and vision loss, so having something in your diet to improve your eyesight is essential for diabetics. Mangosteen can help in this case.

  • Mangosteen Has Skin Benefits

Drinking the juice of Mangosteen helps in the elasticity of the skin and overall skin tone. It also helps in diminishing pimples. 

People with diabetes have primarily dry skin, which is very susceptible to getting cuts or worse injuries. Including mangosteen juice in diabetics, a diet is a good option as it can help improve the quality of overall skin.

  • Mangosteen May Have Anti-Inflammatory Benefits
mangosteen glycemic index

If you are a person who gets injuries regularly, then you should include this magical fruit in your diet. Mangosteen helps in reducing pain and is very good for sports injuries, arthritis, and joint pains.

Mangosteen is good for diabetes cause it can help them with its anti-inflammatory benefits and reduce pain and other types of injuries. 

Some F.A.Q. About Mangosteen For Diabetes

1 – Can Diabetics Eat Mangosteen?

Yes, people with diabetes can eat Mangosteen as it has an excellent nutritional profile, and it can be quite beneficial for diabetics to include this fruit in their diet.

2 – What Are The Health Benefits Of Mangosteen?

There are many health benefits of Mangosteen, which we have mentioned in this article. This fruit is an excellent choice for anyone who wants to improve their diet and health.

3 – What Is The Glycemic Index Of Mangosteen?

The data regarding the glycemic index of Mangosteen is currently unavailable anywhere.

4 – How Much Mangosteen Juice Per Day?

It’s best to have mangosteen juice twice a day. It should be a proper blend and should not have added sugar to keep its nutritional profile intact. It’s an excellent addition for people with diabetes too.

5 – Is Mangosteen Good For Gestational Diabetes?

Yes, Mangosteen is a pretty popular fruit for the pregnancy diet as it helps regulate blood glucose levels and prevents hazardous issues of diabetes during pregnancy.

Some Best Mangosteen Products On Amazon

  1. Organic 100 % Pure Mangosteen Juice
  2. Mangosteen Juice Blend Xanthone Rich 4-25.35 fl. oz. bottles ( 4 Pack)
  3. Mangosteen Gold 100% Pure Dynamic Health 32 oz
  4. Dynamic Health Mangosteen Juice Blend 946ml
  5. LaMoon 100% Squeezed Mangosteen Juice in Bottle


We have discussed all the benefits of the fruit mangosteen and how Mangosteen for diabetics can be beneficial. It has an excellent healthy nutrient profile that people with diabetes should aim for in their diet.

It is a tasty fruit, and the benefits of Mangosteen for diabetics works wonders, and it also helps avoid diabetes for people who don’t have it.