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Radish is one vegetable that is often given less attention. Radish is a root vegetable that belongs to the cruciferous vegetable family. Like Kale, Broccoli, Cabbage, etc., Radish is made up of characteristic oil, which is its acidic flavor.
Radishes are edible root vegetables grown around the world and are mostly eaten raw as salad vegetables. They’re an occasional calorie vegetable that plenty of individuals tend to incorporate into their healthy diet. Radishes can be consumed raw, in juice, stew, soup, and as a salad.
Although there are different types of Radish, varying in size, color, and taste, they all contain the same nutritional values.
But does it contain low-calorie qualify radishes to be eaten by diabetic patients? We’ll find out as we go on.
Nutritional Facts About Radish
- Half a cup of chopped raw Radish contains 12 calories, 2.0 – 4 grams of carbohydrate, 2 grams of fiber, 1 gram of protein, and 0 grams of fat.
- It is a chic source of ascorbic acid, as it contains about 17 milligrams of Vitamin C; hence, it’s advised to eat half a cup of Radish daily.
- It is also rich in vitamin B6, vitamin K, contains about 270 milligrams of potassium, 29 milligrams of folate, 29 milligrams of calcium.
- The glycemic index of Radish is barely just 32
- Its low glycemic index level and its antioxidants make it one of the simplest vegetables for diabetes.
The nutrient profile of Radish is very diverse, making it offer a wide range of nutrients that significantly affect your overall health. Containing a fantastic amount of compounds, radishes contribute to having and maintaining a healthy body.

Regulates blood sugar:
Radish contains compounds like glucosinolates and isothiocyanates, which help to control glucose levels. It helps balance blood sugar due to its antihypertensive properties and serves as a glucose-reducing agent for diabetics. It is known to suppress insulin secretion both in diabetic patients and non-diabetic people.
Prevents insulin resistance:
Studies have shown that Radish improves glucose metabolism and insulin response.
Eating Radish increases the natural production of adiponectin within the body which helps to forestall insulin resistance. Radishes contain the coenzyme Q10, which blocks the formation of diabetes.
Contains high fiber:
The high fiber content of radish roots aids digestion prevents constipation, and releases sugar into the blood slowly and evenly, thereby reducing the probabilities of glucose fluctuations. It also curbs your appetite and prevents unnecessary cravings.
Reduces the danger of high blood pressure:
Radishes are known to be good for reducing the risk of high blood pressure within the body. They lessen the severe dangers of high blood pressure in diabetics as they contain potassium, which counterbalances sodium, a major cause of high blood pressure. Potassium is a vasodilator that helps in loosening blood vessels and enhancing blood flow.
Fights against free radicals:
Flavonoids found in Radish fights against free radicals and keep the body from harm. They also lead to cardiovascular improvement as they are rich in antioxidants and minerals like calcium and potassium. These nutrients help to reduce high blood pressure and lower your risk of contracting heart disease. Radish is also a good source of natural nitrates that improves blood flow.
Keeps the body hydrated:
Lack of hydration can lead to sugar cravings, whereas staying hydrated can help the body’s optimal function.
Radishes are high in water content, and as a result, they assist in keeping the body hydrated. This is often great for satisfying the diabetic body requirements.
Helps for weight loss:
The GI levels of foods determine how they would affect blood sugar levels. The lower the GI, the slower the increase in blood sugar.
Radishes contain low calories, carbs and have a low GI level, making the vegetable an excellent choice for weight loss, which is very important for diabetic patients. The fiber in Radish also helps in weight loss and lowers blood cholesterol levels.
Bone strengthening:
The calcium content of Radish helps to strengthen the bones and regulates glucose metabolism.
Contains antioxidants:
Radishes contain antioxidants such as catechin, pyrogallol, vanillic acid, and other phenolic compounds. These vegetables also have a rich amount of vitamin C, which acts as an antioxidant to protect your cells from damage.
Other benefits of Radish include:
● Rejuvenating the skin
● Protects the coronary blood vessels
● It contains pile healing properties
● Prevents urinary tract infections
● Improves lipid metabolism
● Aids as a powerful detoxifier for the liver and stomach
● Manages respiratory disorder
● Reduces pain and swelling
● Develops body immunity
● Reduces the risk of cancer
FAQs on radishes and diabetes:
Are radishes good for type 2 diabetes?
Yes, they are. Radishes decrease a considerable amount of glucose in the blood, affirming that it is safe for type 2 diabetic patients to consume.
Is Radish good for high blood sugar?
Yes, Radish is suitable for high blood sugar as it contains low carbs and calories, which is good for maintaining the stability of the blood sugar level.
How many carbs and sugars are in radishes?
Radishes contain 12 calories, between 2.0–4 grams of carbohydrate, and about 1.9 grams of sugar.
Is Radish good for gestational diabetes?
Radish contains anti-diabetic properties and effects, making it safe for people with any form of a diabetic condition. So yes, Radish is good for gestational diabetes.
It is essential to follow a well-balanced diet for diabetic patients to keep their blood sugar levels regulated.
Because people always stay concerned about what is good or bad for their health, we have shown that consumption of Radish does not in any way impact your sugar level.
It should, however, be eaten in an average amount and should be by your doctor’s prescription.