Quite an unusual name for a food item, isn’t it? But yes, bulgur is quite popular in Middle Eastern countries and the Mediterranean region.
Having originated in the Mediterranean belt, bulgur is a cereal grain made from dried wheat, mainly the durum species. Bulgur is the main ingredient of tabbouleh or bulgur salad.
Bulgur is a whole grain cooked partially to obtain a consistency similar to quinoa or couscous. By whole-grain, we mean that the entire wheat kernel, consisting of the germ, the endosperm, and the bran is edible.
Since bulgur is partially cooked, preparing bulgur is easy. At the same time, it is a pleasure to the taste buds. The nutritional value of bulgur is high as well.
Being all this, is bulgur good for diabetics? In this article, we shall discuss at length bulgur and diabetes.
Is bulgur good for diabetics?
Bulgur is an excellent food option for people with diabetes. The protein, fiber, and nutrient content in bulgur are high. Because of its high fiber content, bulgur takes a long time to get digested by the body, thereby not causing changes in the blood sugar level.
Besides proteins and fibers, bulgur is also a rich source of vitamins and minerals. It contains minerals such as iron, manganese, and magnesium in abundance. Bulgur is also low on the calorie meter.
The bulgur glycemic index is 47, making it a low glycemic food.
5 Health Benefits of Bulgur For Diabetics
Because of its protein, fiber, and high nutrient content, bulgur is beneficial to people with and without diabetes.
The following are some of the benefits of bulgur–
1- Helps in weight loss- It is well-known that high fiber food items keep your stomach full for a long time, thus making you less frequently hungry. The calorie intake lessens as well.
Bulgur is a high-fiber food that keeps you full for a longer time by increasing your metabolism by slowing down the process of sugar and fat absorption in the intestine.
2- Good heart health- Doctors advise adding fibrous food items to the regular diet because they play a vital role in maintaining cardiovascular health and reducing the possibility of heart diseases.
According to a study, there was up to a 20% decrease in the risk of heart diseases in people who had at least 50 grams of whole grains like bulgur every day.

3- Maintaining blood sugar levels- A person with diabetes can rest assured of healthy blood sugar levels and increased insulin sensitivity by eating whole grains.
The fibers and phytonutrients present in whole grains like bulgur act as a catalyst in controlling blood sugar.
Bulgur wheat and diabetes type 2 go hand-in-hand because eating fibrous foods like bulgur lead to a lower rate of type 2 diabetes.
4- Improves digestion- If consumed regularly, bulgur aids in the growth of gut bacteria. These healthy gut bacteria help maintain intestinal health and improve digestion by producing short-chain fatty acids.
High fiber foods like bulgur also aid in keeping digestive issues like constipation at bay.
Some of the most common questions that pop up when you search ‘is bulgur good for diabetics‘ is written down below-
Is bulgur wheat low glycemic?
A glycemic index is a number assigned to a food item based on how fast the human body can break down the carbs present in the food item into glucose.
On this basis, food items are categorized into low (55 or less), medium (56-69), and high (70 or higher) glycemic foods.
The bulgur glycemic index is 47, bulgur wheat is low glycemic.
Is bulgur good for gestational diabetes?
Let us understand the term ‘gestational diabetes’ first. Gestational diabetes is diabetes that occurs during pregnancy, scientifically known as gestation.
In patients detected with gestational diabetes, it is always advised to increase the intake of healthy carbohydrates.
Bulgur is a rich source of healthy carbs, proteins, fibers, and nutrients. Thus, making it good for patients with gestational diabetes.
Is bulgur wheat good for diabetics?
Bulgur wheat is a rich source of healthy carbs, proteins, fibers, nutrients, and minerals. It also has a low-fat content.
Foods like bulgur wheat are good for people with diabetes because they help maintain adequate blood sugar levels.
Bulgur is a whole grain dish popular in the Middle East. It is easy to cook and is highly nutritious.
Bulgur is an excellent substitute for food items like couscous because of its low glycemic index (bulgur glycemic index is 47).
Adding bulgur to your regular diet can benefit you in many ways. Some of the benefits of bulgur are good heart health, helping in weight loss, maintaining blood sugar levels, and improving digestion.