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Ayurvedic Medicine for Diabetes – How To Lower A1C Levels Naturally

Ayurvedic Medicine For Diabetes – How To Lower A1C Levels Naturally

Ayurvedic Medicine for Diabetes is one of the best ways to treat diabetes. Nowadays more and more people are turning to more holistic means of treating their ailments. A lot of people are looking for the best way to lower A1C levels.

And there can be nothing better than lowering A1C levels naturally hence, one of the oldest medicinal treatment systems of Ayurvedic medicine is fast becoming popular again.

Ayurvedic medicine is a 3000-year-old way of holistic treatment through natural remedies, it was found in India and is still practiced there widely today.

Diabetes is an ailment which afflicts about 371 million people around the world according to a report by a renowned news channel. There are many diabetics who have turned to Ayurvedic medicine to help treat their diabetes.

If you are looking for ways to lower your A1C levels in a holistic and natural way, keep reading for some great tips!



Ayurvedic medicine is constantly evolving due to the increased amount of research in this field. It is not an out of date system off but now has been turned into a very reliable method of treatment. It employs quality control procedures to ensure the medicines are top notch.

For diabetes patients, their A1C level always has to be kept in check. The A1C determines your blood sugar level and signals when it is above or below normal.

There are ways to lower A1C readings so that you are at healthy blood sugar level. While ayurvedic medicine is a great way to manage your A1C, it does not replace insulin or other medicines your doctor may have prescribed to you. However ayurvedic medicine can greatly help in reducing the symptoms and severity of diabetes. It is also a great way of lowering A1C levels naturally.

Medicines which are prescribed to help in lowering A1C levels are definitely effective but let us not forget the long list of side effects that come with every medicine you take. It would definitely be better to adopt natural ways to lower A1C levels.

A lot of people wonder about how to lower A1C. There are a lot of natural ways to lower A1C level so that you can live a healthy life. There are certain herbs which you can eat in order to keep yourself healthy and which help in lowering A1C levels.

Some foods that lower A1C  are as followed. These all have properties which can help in lowering A1C levels naturally.

Some foods that lower A1C Naturally – Ayurvedic Medicine Diabetes

There was a large-scale study involving 543 participants, the results of which indicated that cinnamon indeed does help in lowering A1C levels naturally. You can mix half a teaspoon of cinnamon in your tea or coffee. Please ensure that you do not take too much and as always consult your doctor before you try anything new with your diet.

Aloe vera has long been considered a staple in ayurvedic medicine due to its vast medicinal properties. It was found in a study that aloe vera has considerable qualities which help in lowering A1C levels. Aloe vera is widely available at any nursery for plants.

You can even try fenugreek as a means which may help in lowering A1C levels naturally. Fenugreek is used in ayurvedic medicines quite often and is considered as a very good way to help in lowering A1C levels. It is widely available at any grocery store. The bitter quality of this food not only helps in lowering A1C levels naturally but also keeps you trim and slim as it also fights fat build up.

A lot of people say prevention is always better than cure. So instead of finding ways on how to lower A1C levels, you can also take these tips if you do not have diabetes and reduce your risk of getting diabetes. The increase and decrease of the following foods in your diet can help in lowering A1C levels naturally and also safeguard you from diabetes.

Other than that you should increase your intake of fruits and vegetables. In vegetables, you should eat beans, asparagus, spinach, broccoli, carrots, red onions, and tomatoes. In Fruits, you should increase your intake of cantaloupe, watermelon, honeydew, raspberries and apples. Nuts and seed which are high in omega 3 fatty acids should be eaten regularly. This will help in keeping you healthy and keep your A1C levels in check.



While there are foods that lower A1C levels, there are certain foods which you need to avoid since they impede in lowering A1C levels. Certain foods like flour, sugar, fried items and other processed food should be avoided at all cost. This is a great way on how to lower A1C levels.

People afflicted with diabetes often ask the question, ‘how can I lower my A1C levels?’

Modern day science may have you believe that mass produced medicine is the only way to combat A1C levels. However, as we have stated multiple times in this article, there are ways which can help in lowering A1C levels naturally.

A great way to find out what are the best foods that lower A1C levels is to talk to your doctor or a qualified dietician about it. Your intake of food is extremely important in your fight against how to lower your A1C levels.  You need to monitor each and everything you eat and see what effect it will have on your body. Diabetics usually have to be very careful about what they put in their body. It is always a good idea to speak to a certified dietician so they can better guide you towards foods that lower A1C levels.

We also recommend that you talk to your doctor about alternative medicine which is ayurvedic medicine. Most doctors have some idea about ayurvedic medicine and can guide you about practices you should adopt that can help in lowering A1C levels naturally. Otherwise, you can ask your doctor or search online for a practitioner of ayurvedic medicine. We recommend ayurvedic medicine because of the fact that natural ways to lower A1C levels are always better than medically supplemented ways.

Be sure to visit a professional who comes highly recommended. While ayurvedic medicine is one of the natural ways to lower A1C levels, it does not mean you can trust just about anyone with your health.

There are many ways on how to lower A1C levels and when one of them is natural ways to lower A1C level why not choose to try it out.

We hope this article has taught you more about natural ways to lower A1C levels. Our aim is to educate people about holistic alternative medicine being a safe way to manage your diabetes and lowering A1C levels.

It should be noted that there is no blanket best way to lower A1C levels in all diabetes patients. Everyone has a different case and respond differently to varying stimuli. Thus ayurvedic medicine should definitely be tried but it also should be kept in mind that since this is a way of lowering A1C levels naturally, all of the medicines might not be effective for everyone and thus must be taken after putting a lot of thought into it.

There are many ways on how to lower A1C levels. However, there is one thing common among all these methods; being committed and staying on course. If you do this, you are bound to see significant lowering A1C levels.

Ayurvedic medicine for diabetes stems from India. Most ayurvedic medicines for diabetes have certain ingredients in them which help in lowering A1C levels naturally.

There is Gymnema Sylvestre commonly referred to as Gurmar. This miracle ingredient is called ‘sugar crusher’ for all the right reasons. There have been many clinical studies which have time and again proven that Gurmar successfully helps in lowering A1C levels.   This lowers your blood sugar level significantly and helps you live a healthier and happier life.

Then there is coccinia indica which is a very effective in breaking down starch, it regulates your blood sugar level after you eat carbohydrates. This keeps your organs safe from the adverse impact that high blood sugar has on them. If you are looking for a way on how to lower A1C levels, this is a great way.

Another great ingredient which has blood sugar lowering properties is azadirachta India more commonly known as Neem in Hindi. The bitter quality of this plant and its seed are greatly used in ayurvedic medicine for diabetes. This herb helps to increase your tolerance for glucose and greatly increases your quality of life.

Another herb used in ayurvedic medicine for diabetes is morus indicia, this is called mulberry in English. This leaf has been tested in various clinical studies, and using them for 15 days straight showed a significant decrease in blood sugar levels by 38%.

Another ingredient used and encouraged by those who are producing ayurvedic medicine for diabetes is bitter gourd or momordica charantia. This ingredient is a lifesaver since it goes to the basic level and strengthens the beta cells in your pancreas. This increases secretion of insulin from your pancreas.

Another way on how to lower A1C levels is using Eugenia Jambolana. This is not only beneficial for your diabetes but also helps strengthen your kidneys and lowers chances of them having to dysfunction. It also increases the rate at which wounds heal in diabetics.

When you in the process of lowering your A1C levels, and are making amendments to your diet, it is best to consult a certified practitioner who has vast knowledge about ayurvedic medicine for diabetes so that you do not overdo something. At times you may take too much of a certain ayurvedic medicine for diabetes, and too much of everything is harmful.

When looking for ways on how to lower A1C levels, one should always be wary of advice they may get from other sources than a certified ayurvedic medicine for diabetes practitioner. You can even talk to your doctor or a dietician to discuss whether the ayurvedic medicine for diabetes you are taking or thinking of taking is a good idea in your particular case and condition.

When it comes to how to lower A1C levels there are many routes you can take. Like we specified in this article, you can change your dietary consumption or take different ayurvedic medicine for diabetes as a way to lowering A1C levels naturally.

Apart from taking ayurvedic medicine for diabetes to lower A1C levels naturally there are other habits you can adopt to live a healthier life. Exercising is a great way to keep your body in shape. Walking is a way to naturally keep your body fat in check. Body fat has been known to impede the progress a diabetic makes. All the ayurvedic medicine for diabetes we have talked about above also reduces fat in a person.

If a person adopts the habit of walking regularly and also takes ayurvedic medicine for diabetes, this can help them keep in great shape. Relying solely on ayurvedic medicine for diabetes is not the best idea since there are other things you need to focus on so that you can be in the best of health.

There are many ways on how to lower A1C levels and you can easily adopt more than one to ensure good health. Diabetes can be deadly if it is not taken care of. Taking medicine for diabetes can be incredibly taxing.

Daily pumping your body full of supplements and drugs can have a toll on your body in the form of side effects. This is why ayurvedic medicine for diabetes is recommended.

Whenever there is a natural alternative to keep yourself healthy and strong; always take the natural route. Ayurvedic medicine for diabetes is not only natural but is just as effective. There are minimal chances of adverse side effects when taking natural remedies found in ayurvedic medicine for diabetes.

Hence always opt for a natural way than a chemical way to treat your diabetes to the extent that you can.

Healthy Diabetes Diet – Tips To Lower A1C Levels Naturally


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If you want to read a comprehensive guide about foods to lower a1c then you should follow – Foods To  Lower A1C


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