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7 Must-Read Best Books On Diabetes In 2022 [Updated]

Best Books On Diabetes

List of Best Books for Diabetes in 2022

list of Best Books On Diabetes. In today’s society and lifestyle, diabetes has already reached nearly endemic levels. Actually, in research conducted by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in 2005, they found out that approximately 7% of the population or 20.9 million Americans had diabetes and about 6.2 million of them are not even aware of it. Best books on diabetes are a must for every diabetic.

Diabetes is fairly known as a common disease. However, patients who are just being hit by this illness together with their loved ones really get affected making them very uncomfortable. Each new diabetes patient senses a feeling of abandonment, anger, and confusion. It is hard for them to stay in touch with anybody.

Moreover, if you are a person with diabetes you are most likely to be strong and you shouldn’t think of your illness that much –instead, you should be knowing more about your condition. You can read books on diabetes for you to know what are the dos and don’ts if you have diabetes. Hence, if you have not enough time to go out of your house and go to the library to research, you can actually go online for it.

Nowadays, if you want to find diabetes books, you can just surf the internet and you can find a lot of it. If you are not into reading eBooks, you can purchase your own books for diabetes in any online shop like

Reading books about diabetes will help you gain more knowledge about your health condition. Likewise, it is also one way to relax and escape stressful thoughts which are very essential if you have been thinking about your health situation. Hence, it is believed that if you read books especially books that are related to your illness, you are most likely to overcome it and have a longer life.

To help you with, I have included here seven reviews on the best books on diabetes. You can choose any of these books or if you like you can choose all. Whatever choice you do, I guarantee you it will be 100% helpful.



  1. The End of Diabetes: The Eat to Live Plan to Prevent and Reverse Diabetes

This scientifically proven book by the New York Times bestselling author and one of the leading specialists in preventive medicine, Joel Fuhrman is actually a practical program to prevent and reverse diabetes but without the use of any drugs or medicines.

The aim of this book is to be a platform that could help millions of people suffering from diabetes and to combat its rising epidemic, as well as to help those who are suffering from high blood pressure and heart disease. Through this book, Dr. Fuhrman wants to tell us that we can live a long, happy, and disease-free life. This book also serves as a diabetes diet book. It has a lot of special diet plans composed of a high nutrient-per-calorie ratio that is adaptable for all individuals.

This book clearly states that there’s no need for us to control diabetes. Patients can freely choose to follow other better nutritional guiding principles that they can use to control their condition. The result of this is actually a medical innovation –an inclusive reversal of diabetes.

If you are suffering from diabetes but you are willing to commit yourself to the diet plan indicated here, make no mistake, I assure you that it will reverse your disease and will give you a diabetes-free life.

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    1. What Do I Eat Now? : A Step-By-Step Guide to Eating Right with Type 2 Diabetes

“What do I eat now?” this is probably one of the most common questions that a diabetic person may ask. It is common that patients with type 2 diabetes are told by their doctors to start eating healthy food. Maybe it is hard for you to figure out what to eat, good thing that this book, What Do I Eat Now? , is created.

This book is created in a language that you can clearly understand, and will surely tell you the best nutrition recommendations you can use in deciding what you should really eat if you have diabetes. In just a month of reading this essential diabetes diet book, a patient can experience a lasting change in their health –allowing them to eat better, improve the management of their diabetes, and of course, live a healthier life.

If you have just been diagnosed with diabetes, I highly recommend you choose this book. The content of the book is very accurate, all the information is up-to-date and is clearly presented. All the diet plans that are included here are presented in balance so there’s no need to worry about what you should be eating now if you’ve been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.

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  1. Neal Barnard’s Program for Reversing Diabetes: The Scientifically Proven System for Reversing Diabetes without Drugs 1st Edition

This book written by Dr. Neal Barnard is the possibility to repair insulin function and inverse type 2 diabetes. This book on diabetes is proven scientifically so it could be a great help in improving your health condition.

By following the program that is included in this book, you can actually control your blood sugar 3x more efficiently than any other standard diet. Also, you can cut back on your medications while you are reducing the risk of complications diabetes may give you.

If you follow what plan Dr. Barnard has included here in this book, you will see progress in your health condition in just 3 months. After following all the life-changing programs here, you can now freely do again the things that you love to do without thinking too much of your health.

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  1. Bernstein’s Diabetes Solution: The Complete Guide to Achieving Normal Blood Sugars

This book about diabetes tackles not only adult-onset diabetes but also young-onset diabetes that sometimes affects the youth. The book explains a step-by-step process on how to normalize blood sugar levels and reverse all its complications. Also, this book provides a complete treatment plan for people diagnosed with diabetes. For a complete discussion of a healthy diet, this book also provides its readers with fifty gourmet recipes.

All the necessary information on the book is up-to-date including contents on insulin resistance, the newest types of insulin, devices for blood testing, blood sugar measuring and other issues, along with the updated diet guidelines.

Using all the advice in this book, you can clearly see changes in your health condition, you will lose weight, your cholesterol level be lower, and of course, your diabetes will be reversed. Dr. Bernstein’s Diabetes Solution: The Complete Guide to Achieving Normal Blood Sugars is truly a book every diabetic person must own.

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  1. Blood Sugar 101: What They Don’t Tell You About Diabetes

This book on diabetes is constructed just like the website. It aims to provide all the necessary information needed to know how the blood sugar works and how to achieve your blood sugar health.

With this book, you can learn all the essential information about blood sugar in just 15 minutes. And by using all the info in this book, you can lower your blood sugar in just two weeks. This book will really work out for you if you want to improve your blood sugar health.

If you think you don’t have enough knowledge yet about diabetes, you might as well get your copy of this book. I assure you that you will be able to know a lot of things about diabetes that other people are not telling you.

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  1. Diabetic Living Diabetes Meals by the Plate: 90 Low-Carb Meals to Mix & Match

This new diabetic diet book offers a stress-free and flavorful way to cook meals that are diabetes-friendly but still delicious. All the 90 meals in this book follow a method called “Plate Method” – a simple way of eating the proper food in the right volumes by filling your plate with vegetables that are non-starchy, one-quarter starch, and a quarter protein.

All the diet meals that are here in this book are extremely appealing and very simple to cook. It is also good that the nutritional facts are included also in both the meal and the recipes. I think this book is really appropriate for those who have been struggling in finding easy and pleasing ideas on their meals. All the meals here are also good if you want to lose weight or improve your health condition.

Struggling much in choosing what meal to cook because of your diabetes? Then this book might be the solution for that. All the recipes included in this book are all low in carbohydrates and actually, you can mix and match each recipe if you don’t have enough for one meal.

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  1. Diabetes: Reverse Your Diabetes With a Clear and Concise Step by Step Guide (Diabetes – Diabetes Diet – Diabetes free – Diabetes Cure – Reversing Diabetes)

Recurrent urination, extreme thirst, tingling sensation in your extremities, exhaustion, blurred vision, wounds that take too long to heal. These are just a few of the many symptoms you can acquire if you are being impacted by diabetes. However, research and science have proved diabetes can be reversed. Good thing, most of these insights can be found in this book.

This book will guide you in avoiding all the negative consequences of diabetes and live your life happily without worries and fears. You will also be provided with all the necessary stuff like nutritional diabetic strategy, stress reliever for diabetes, supplements to help you with your diabetes, foods that you should be avoiding and of course the proper food you should take, and all the other dos and don’ts of having diabetes.

This diabetes diet book has a clear and concise step-by-step guide to improving your health condition and as well as reversing your diabetes. Having a lot of important facts and tips, this book will surely be a great help to those people who are struggling with diabetes and make their life free from it.

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Just like what the saying tells, “Prevention is better than cure.” It is better that we do not acquire diabetes than to cure it if we do. People do not become diabetic overnight, they first go through the stage called pre-diabetes in which their blood sugar level is raised but not to the extent that it is called diabetes. It is very important that at this stage, diabetes has been prevented before it worsens and create more damage to the body.

However, if you are already impacted by diabetes, you can manage and treat it. You should go to the doctor for some tests or if you don’t want to, you can look for diabetes books like the books enlisted above. The main goal in managing your diabetes is to frequently monitor your blood sugar level and keep it as normal as possible. If you have maintained this standard for a long period of time, it is said that all the complications from diabetes will all vanish. However, to do this, you should also get ahead with the changes in your health and you must respond to it properly.

Truly with the rapid advancement in our technology, our lives are now better than before. Many illnesses that cannot be cured before are now discovered to have solutions and cures. And diabetes is one of which. We can now reverse diabetes and apparently cure it. We can now do this even we are just at home. Books about diabetes that are just in bulky libraries before are now placed over the internet so we don’t need to go out of our home anymore –we just need to search it over the web and a wide array of choices will be presented already. With these diabetes books, we’ll be able to manage diabetes properly and also learn all the things that we need to know in order to prevent them from acquiring them.

Thanks for reading the best books on diabetes!

If you want to read a comprehensive guide about foods to lower a1c then you should follow – Foods To  Lower A1C

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