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Jicama And Diabetes: 6 Benefits Of Jicama For Diabetics

Certainly not one of those frequently heard names of a vegetable. Jicama is a thick vegetable akin to yams and potatoes that grows as the root of the jicama plant.

Jicama has thick brown skin, and when you cut it open, it is white on the inside. It is somewhat sweet and resembles a potato. Jicama is a low-carb vegetable.

Although it is sweet to taste, the sugar content in jicama is low, and its starch content is high. 

Like with tomatoes, the jicama is also subjected to contention whether it is a fruit or a vegetable. However, jicama classifies as a root vegetable. 

Jicama can be eaten raw or, you can cook it. You can add it in salads with a sprinkle of salt and a hint of lime juice. You can also saute it with other vegetables. Both ways, it is a delicious add-on to your palate.

Is Jicama Good For Diabetics?

Although delicious to taste, if you or your loved ones have diabetes, would it be advisable to eat jicama? Is jicama for diabetes?

Let us first check the nutritional content of jicama-

Jicama is a rich source of healthy carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins, and water. The sugar content of jicama is also low. Also, its glycemic index is low.

A person with diabetes has to monitor their carbohydrate and sugar intake regularly. Excessive intake of these can cause a spike in their blood sugar levels which is alarming.

However, healthy carbs are essential for energy building and maintaining a balanced diet, and jicama contains healthy carbohydrates. Due to its low glycemic index, jicama does not cause a spike in blood sugar levels.

Therefore, it is an excellent addition to the diet of people with diabetes and those detected with prediabetes.

6 Benefits Of Jicama For Diabetics

Jicama has numerous health benefits for people with and without diabetes alike. 

Some benefits of jicama for diabetics are-

1- High Nutritional Content:

The nutritional content of jicama is high. It contains essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene, magnesium, and potassium.

It also contains thiamine, vitamin B6, riboflavin, phosphorus, calcium, and traces of zinc and copper. Jicama contains low calories, high water content, and fibers.

Jicama is a rich source of vitamin C, which is necessary for cell reinforcement in the body and catalytic responses, can prove to be a helpful nutrient to people with diabetes.

2- High Content Of Antioxidants: 

Antioxidants are necessary for the body to protect against cell damage caused by free radicals. These free radicals damage the cells by the process of oxidation.

Oxidative stress in the body can lead to chronic diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular problems. Jicama contains antioxidants as plant compounds, which can efficiently combat oxidative stress.

Some studies have also shown that consuming antioxidants from fruits and vegetables can help lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases, Alzheimer’s, and obesity.

3- Improves The Digestion Process:

Dietary fibers and water are necessary for healthy bowel movements.

Jicama contains a dietary fiber called inulin, which is known to increase the bowel movement frequency in people with the problem of constipation. It also has a high water content which can help in meeting daily fluid requirements.

The high fiber and water content of jicama help improve the digestion process of a diabetes patient.

4- Assists In Weight Loss:

Eating jicama helps one feel full for a longer time. You don’t tend to overeat after having jicama. Also, jicama is a nutrient-dense food with high dietary fibers and water content.

The calorie content of jicama is low, making it an ideal food option for people with obesity. People with diabetes should be extra careful about their diet because a spike in blood sugar levels and insulin resistance can lead to obesity.

Many experts also recommend jicama for diabetics instead of yams and potatoes. Eating jicama increases gut bacteria that assist in weight loss.

5- Jicama Is Good For Heart Health:

Jicama is a rich source of nutrients like iron, potassium, nitrate, copper, and dietary fibers. These nutrients help lower cholesterol levels, improve blood circulation, and reduce blood pressure.

Jicama is a rich source of dietary fiber, and eating food items with high fiber content are beneficial for reducing bad cholesterol in the body. The potassium in jicama loosens the veins and helps in lowering blood pressure. 

Iron, copper, and nitrate improve blood circulation in the body. Apart from this, drinking jicama juice is known to reduce blood clots.

All these are the heart health benefits of jicama for diabetics.

6- Reduced Risk Of Cancer:

Jicama contains antioxidants such as beta-carotene and selenium. It also contains vitamin C and vitamin E.

The primary function of these antioxidants in the body is neutralizing the free radicals that cause cell damage and cancer.

The dietary fiber in jicama can protect against colon cancer. The prebiotic fiber called inulin can protect from cancer simply by increasing the number of healthy bacteria in the gut.


Does Jicama Raise Blood Sugar?

No, jicama does not raise blood sugar. Jicama contains a low amount of carbs. The glycemic load of jicama is low. Therefore, eating jicama does not raise blood sugar, and it can be considered a safe food item for people with diabetes.

Is Jicama A Low Carb Vegetable?

Yes, jicama is a high fiber and a low-carb vegetable. Every 100 grams of jicama contains about only 9 grams of carbohydrates.

Is Jicama Bad For Diabetics?

Jicama is rich in dietary fiber, and its glycemic index is also low. Having a low glycemic index means that eating jicama does not cause a spike in blood sugar levels. Hence, jicama is an ideal food for people with diabetes.

Is Jicama Good For Gestational Diabetes?

Yes, jicama is an ideal food option for diabetes patients, gestational diabetes patients, and type 2 diabetes patients. 

Glycemic Index Of Jicama?

The glycemic index of jicama is 17. Such glycemic index makes it a low glycemic index food.


Jicama is a vegetable similar to potatoes.

Jicama is a rich source of healthy carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins, and water. Its sugar content and glycemic index are also low (the glycemic index of jicama is 17). These things make jicama an ideal food option for people with diabetes.

Jicama has a lot of health benefits for people with diabetes.

It can help maintain heart health, reduce the risk of getting cancer, improve digestion, and assist in weight loss.

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