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Can Diabetics Eat Oranges

can diabetics eat oranges

Diabetes is a prevalent disease and to beat diabetes is not easy. Diabetic patients are often advised not to eat certain food items, especially sugary food items. They are even suggested not to eat various kinds of fruits. So, the question is, can diabetic patients eat oranges? 

Can People With Diabetes Eat Oranges

Fruits are recommended to everyone, and fresh and seasonal fruits can make us healthy and help us become more active. But if you are a diabetes patient, you can’t consume all fruit types, especially those with a high glycemic index. A diabetic patient should not consume chikoo or melon. What about oranges. Can a diabetic patient eat oranges? 

Orange is a popular citrus fruit, and just like other citrus fruits, it has a low glycemic index. A diabetic patient can consume oranges. The American diabetes association claims that taking citrus fruits is suitable for diabetic patients’ health and boost immunity. 

Citrus fruits such as lemon, oranges, and tomato consist of many essential elements such as fiber, Vitamin C, and folate. Oranges include a large amount of fiber in them, which are needed for a healthy body. 

Fibers are also known to stabilize the blood sugar level of people. Before telling you how you can eat oranges, we would like to let you know about some benefits of oranges for a diabetic patient. 

Benefits of Oranges for Diabetics

Oranges have many health benefits, and it can help a diabetic patient in several ways as well. You can take oranges as a dish or make a dish out of it. Let’s now discuss how eating oranges can help a diabetic patient. 

Vitamin C – Oranges contain many Vitamin C in them, and vitamin C can prevent you from many diseases such as heart diseases or cancer. 

Healthy immune system –The immune system of a diabetic patient is generally weak, but oranges can make the immunity system more robust. 

Skin damage –Another significant benefit of eating oranges is that it can prevent skin damage. This benefit is not only for diabetic patients; instead, it is for everyone. 

Lowers cholesterol- High cholesterol level is another major disadvantage of diabetes, and oranges can lower the blood cholesterol level. 

Blood sugar level- This one should be on top. It is the most crucial benefit. Diabetic patient’s most significant problem is this, and oranges can reduce the blood sugar level. 

Some Faqs About Oranges for Diabetics

Let’s now discuss some of the most frequently asked questions related to oranges for diabetes. 

How many oranges can a diabetic eat per day

How Many Oranges Can a Person With Diabetes Eat Per Day?

Oranges contain many fibers, and excess of any element is not so good that people with diabetes can eat a maximum of 2 oranges per day. There are several types of oranges available in the market based on their size and features. A diabetic patient can consume one navel orange in a day. And when it comes to other types of oranges, they should not eat more than two oranges. 

Do Oranges Raise Blood Sugar? 

As mentioned above, no oranges do not raise the blood sugar level; instead, they reduce blood sugar. This characteristic or quality of oranges makes it a perfect fruit for diabetes. 

Is Orange Juice Bad For Diabetics?

No, orange juice is not bad for people with diabetes. Still, diabetic patients are generally advised to eat oranges and not drink juice because eating raw oranges has more health benefits.

One glass of orange juice would consist of four oranges, which is too much natural sugar. Having one such glass of orange juice is not advised for diabetics. 

Diabetics should especially avoid having fancy orange juice, which has a lot of additives and extra sugar. This can turn lethal for a person with diabetes as so much sugar, and additives can increase your blood sugar levels.

Ladies who are suffering from diabetes should not drink orange juices. 

Are Oranges Good for Gestational Diabetes?

People who have any diabetes can consume oranges as it has many health benefits. Women during pregnancy need to be in the healthiest state, so they need to have a proper diet. 

In gestational diabetes, women should consume oranges as it helps build immunity, and it is very healthy for the baby

Orange also helps control cholesterol, which is one more reason to add this delicious citrus food to your diet.

Best Time to Eat Oranges?

Oranges are a kind of citrus fruit, so they don’t cause colds or anything. If you think that you cannot eat oranges in the evening, maybe you are wrong. You can eat oranges at any time, but it is generally advised to eat oranges after breakfast or eat any fruit after breakfast. 

The body better absorbs fruits in the morning as the whole night’s digestion process is done. The body is on the topmost level if you consume fruits in the morning.

Make sure to try to have it in between meals. 

Before or after a workout, you have it an excellent idea to refill your body with energy.

What Happens if You Eat Oranges Everyday?

Having oranges is good, but you should consume them in moderation. If you consume a lot of oranges regularly, your body will have a higher fiber content.

This can bring many side effects on the diabetic patient, and it can cause stomach cramps and it hurts digestion.

It can also cause diarrhea if eaten daily and in excess quantity.


Oranges are a healthy fruit, and unlike melon or Chiku, it doesn’t increase the blood sugar level. 

This characteristic of oranges makes it an excellent food for a diabetic patient. Oranges have several other health benefits, such as it boosts immunity. 

If you ask someone who has diabetes and is confused about whether you can eat oranges or not, let me tell you you don’t have to worry. You can safely eat oranges. 

They are a significant citrus fruit. But instead of drinking orange juice, it would be better if you eat raw oranges as it has more health benefits. 

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