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Can Diabetics Eat Pizza

can diabetics eat pizza

You might be still reveling the last slice of pizza you had and not thinking about how did it affect your body. But, if you happen to have diabetes, you are compelled to monitor your diet carefully.

A person with diabetes has to monitor every food item they eat carefully not to spike their blood sugar level. The same is the case with pizza.

You might very well ask- ‘can diabetics eat pizza,’ or ‘can type 1 diabetic eat pizza‘ or even ‘can diabetics eat Dominos pizza.’ To find accurate answers to these perplexing questions, read our blog on pizza and people with diabetes.

Can Diabetics Eat Pizza?

Having originated in Italy, pizza has traveled the entire world to become the comfort food for millions across the globe. 

You cannot pinpoint one single aspect that has made pizza so popular. The dough, the vegetables topping the crust, and dollops of cheese garnishing the pizza are massive contributors to the pizza mania.

But, being popular doesn’t always mean being suitable. Is pizza good for people with diabetes? The simple answer is ‘in moderation. Why single out people with diabetes; even a healthy individual should not gorge on pizzas too often.

You may ask why?

Pizzas, made by whichever healthy process, contain a lot of refined carbs and saturated fats. The sodium content in a pizza is also high. These are bad for people with diabetes, as well as healthy individuals.

Let us discuss these three points of contention in a bit detail-

Pizzas contain a lot of refined carbs – A pizza has a lot of refined carbs that are not good for people with diabetes. Diabetes patients should keep a close eye on their intake of refined carbs.

One, refined carbs, breaks down into sugar, and secondly, refined carbs lack proteins and fibers that are beneficial for someone with diabetes. Eating foods with unrefined carbs does not affect the blood sugar levels as much as eating foods with refined carbs.

Foods with refined carbs, such as frozen pizzas, should be strictly moderated, if not avoided if you have diabetes. We would not recommend frozen pizza for diabetics as they would only spike the blood sugar levels over a while.

A fun fact- the content of refined carbs in a pizza depends on how thick the pizza crust is, what your toppings are and how big a slice you are eating.

High saturated fats– Along with refined carbs, pizza is also a source of high saturated fats. Saturated fats are not a good thing to have in your body.

Saturated fats add to insulin resistance in the body. 

A person with diabetes must reduce their intake of foods with refined carbs and saturated fats and substitute them with food items rich in nutrients.

High sodium content- Pizza has a high sodium content. High salt levels can have adverse effects on blood pressure.

People with type 2 diabetes are prone to having high blood pressure, and having foods with high sodium content can only aggravate high blood pressure problems.

We have noted down a few frequently asked questions. Check if your query is in the list below-

What is the best pizza for diabetics?

The answer to this one is going to be rather a long one.

People with diabetes can relish all kinds of pizzas. However, they should opt for pizza crusts made from whole grains and toppings rich in nutrients. They can opt for proteinaceous toppings like chicken or fish.

Diabetes patients must always look for substitutes to the refined carbs and saturated fats present in the regular pizza. 

We have listed a few ingredients a diabetes patient can add to their pizza for that added nutrition. 

To boost their fiber intake, diabetics can choose a whole grain crust over one made out of refined flour. Also, they can opt for grilled vegetables like olives, peppers, artichokes for their pizza toppings.

For pizza toppings, proteins can be food items such as fresh mozzarella cheese or roasted meat and chicken. And for healthy fats, they can add nuts and olives.

While we suggested a few ingredients you can add to make pizza healthier, the following are some ingredients you could probably avoid. 

Any fried or processed protein such as fried chicken, sausages, or hams should be skipped as pizza toppings. Similarly, sweet-tasting food items must also be avoided.

In moderation, high-calorie foods such as processed cheese and sauces like Alfredo sauce should be added to the pizza. And as we mentioned earlier in this blog post, the content of refined carbs in a pizza depends on the thickness of the pizza crust, so avoid eating extra-thick pizza crusts.

The next time you see a pizza labeled ‘best take out pizza for diabetics,’ surely you know better. Keeping in mind our discussion above, you are most likely to make a correct choice of your pizza toppings and not just agree to what the pizza parlor guy says.

Does the pizza have added sugar?

Not all. But yes, some pizzas have added sugar. This added sugar can be present either in the pizza’s crust, its toppings, or the sauces used in making the pizza.

So, if you ask ‘can pizza raise your blood sugar,’ it probably can if you choose the wrong ingredients.

Most pizzas, however, contain loads of saturated fats and sodium, along with refined carbs.

How long does pizza affect blood sugar?

Pizzas are a massive source of refined carbs. Refined carbs are not suitable for people with diabetes, as they can spike blood sugar levels over a while.

You can’t be sure about the time duration your pizza will take to affect your blood sugar. Depending upon the choice of your pizza toppings, your blood sugar may or may not spike up until hours after having eaten the pizza.

So, choose well.

How can I lower my blood sugar after eating pizza?

The key to maintaining blood sugar levels is not to lower them after eating pizza but by choosing the right ingredients that will not spike the blood sugar levels.

Some key points to remember before eating a diabetes-friendly pizza are selecting a pizza crust rich in fibers, the toppings should be protein-rich, cheese is allowed but only in moderation, and the sauces used in the pizza should not have many calories.


Pizza is not a healthy food option for both- people with and without diabetes. Moderation is the key to being safe from the ill effects of having pizzas.

People with diabetes can eat any type of pizza in moderation and caution pertaining to their pizza ingredients.

Pizza contains a high amount of refined carbs, sodium, and saturated fats. These make pizza an unhealthy food choice for diabetes patients. However, people with diabetes can alternate the ingredients of pizza with healthier options and relish their dose of pizza on an occasional basis.

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